Robo-Blitz updates

Robo Blitz
Mar 22, 2021

1. Robo-Blitz is now listed on livecoinwatch.

2. sneak peak of 2 special NFTs was released. All WARBOTS will be deployed next week under JGNNFT. $BNB payments received from NFTs will be used to buyback $BLITZ while $BLITZ Payment receive from NFTs will immediately be burned

3. We’re happy to announce that the smart-contract audit from @SolidityFinance is now completed. It’s our pleasure to be audited by their team. We would like to thank the whole team for their professionalism through-out the whole audit. For complete info of the audit, please see here



Robo Blitz

Robo-Blitz is a multiplayer game centered around collectible WARBOTS with parts upgrade feature. Each WARBOTS is one-of-a-kind and 100% owned by you.